Using Google Ad Manager for in-stream video

Using Google Ad Manager for in-stream video
Photo by Alexander Shatov / Unsplash

Google Ad Manager and Ad Exchange support a range of video players that can be used on your website. These players must be VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) compliant, as this is the standard format for serving ads to digital video players defined by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).

Firstly let's define difference between in-stream and out-stream video.

  • Instream video ads are placed within the video content itself, much like traditional TV commercials. They are played before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll), or after (post-roll) the main video content.
  • Outstream video ads are independent of any other video content. They can appear in non-video environments like text articles, news feeds, or as standalone ad units in sidebars or corners of a webpage.

In a nutshell:

Instream video ads are embedded within video content and are played before, during, or after the main video, similar to TV commercials, whereas outstream video ads are standalone units that appear in non-video environments such as articles or sidebars and begin playing when visible on the screen. Instream ads integrate with the viewer's chosen content, potentially increasing engagement, while outstream ads provide broader reach by placing video ads on sites without native video content.

Let's discuss players

Here are some of the commonly supported video players that you can consider for your website:

  1. JW Player: JW Player is a widely-used video player that supports HTML5 and Flash video, VAST and VPAID compliant, and integrates well with Google Ad Manager and Ad Exchange.
  2. Video.js: An open-source video player that’s also VAST compliant. It’s HTML5-based and has a wide range of plugins available, making it highly customizable.
  3. Kaltura Player: This player is known for its extensive customization options and is VAST and VPAID compliant, ensuring smooth integration with ad services.
  4. Brightcove Player: Brightcove offers a cloud-based video player that is VAST compliant and offers a range of features and integrations, including with Google Ad Manager.
  5. Flowplayer: A customizable video player that supports VAST and is compatible with Google Ad Manager for ad serving.
  6. Ooyala Player: Ooyala provides a flexible and customizable video player that can deliver content and ads via Google Ad Manager.
  7. THEOplayer: It is a universal video player that is fully HTML5-based and supports VAST, VMAP, and VPAID, making it compatible with Google Ad Manager.

When choosing a video player, ensure that it supports the required digital video ad standards—namely VAST and VPAID—so that you can run video ads through Google Ad Manager and Ad Exchange effectively. Also, consider the technical specifications, compatibility with different browsers and devices, as well as the level of support and customization the player offers to align with your specific needs.